Author Archives: thefortyrule

Hassan the beggar


24th March, Tuesday, 2015

9 o’clock in the morning, I was in the office, about to brew coffee to start my day as usual. Then, the news about airplane crash in the Southern French Alps shocked me. Another PLANE CRASH! 150 people on board! What is wrong with the world? I was booking my flight to China so I had to admit that the news scared me. I felt so low, then, I went to my friend, Dalal, wearing my sad face. I felt blessed that we had formed a habit to share our moments of up and downs, happy or sad, big or tiny. As always, we easily understood each other’s feeling and gained some energy from sharing.

So, after talking about the horrible accident and sharing the feeling of sympathies with those people on plane, I calmed down. Then, Dalal asked me whether I enjoyed the book she recommended. It opened a door for me to talk my recent reflection about how to perceive suffering. The book was called ‘the Forty Rules of Love’, written by a Turkish writer named Elif Shafak.

One stanza was about a beggar named Hasan, who went to listen to Rumi’s sermons. The sermon Rumi gave was about ‘what meaning could I, in my limitedness, possibly have for God?’ he said ‘…what brought us even closer to God was none other than suffering.’… Hasan at first liked what Rumi said of joy and sorrow as dependent on each other as bird’s wings. But he instantly raised a question that what Rumi knew about suffering. He thought Rumi was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, raised in distinguished circles, tutored by the best scholars, and always loved, pampered and admired. Indeed, Rumi was looked up to as a role model, spiritual leader and great enlightener who generated a significant positive change in the history of Islam.

I told Dalal that Hasan’s viewpoint reminded me of a conversation between me and a friend about my suffering. Last year, I was writing up my PhD thesis, in the meantime, many other things in life worked together which had a negative impact on my emotions. I was quite depressed (although it was considered to be normal among PhDs). I talked to the friend about my low emotional situation. He advised me not to think about it because I was lucky enough to have gained many things (wealth, fame, health), which many other people had not. I agreed politely, shut up my mouth to him and never talked any of my sufferings with him, being afraid of giving an impression that I was a person who was not grateful for what I had been given. However, the logic of forcing myself to think I was luckier than others did not fundamentally work out my emotions. I simply hided my depression, became quitter, faked to be optimistic in front of some friends and fell into a worse emotional situation.

What saved me from the negative thinking that I was not grateful and should not think about my sufferings was the story about Rumi. As remarkable and successful as he no doubt was, he had confided in his friend, Seyyid Burhaneddin, (he was also Rumi’s teacher, student, and disciple), that he felt inwardly dissatisfied. Seyyid was not shocked, laughed or looked down to Rumi to any extent. Rather, he suggested that he needed a companion and he even wrote a letter to Baba Zaman, hoping Baba could send a person (dervish) to meet Rumi in their spiritual journey.

I have not finished the book yet, but I believed that only because Rumi realized his dissatisfaction and shared with his friend, his emptiness in life was filled. So, as ordinary as I am, why could not I admit that I have dissatisfactions? Why should I gain peace of mind from comparing with other people? Who gave me the right to sympathise with people I know nothing about them? As one of the rules Shams of Tabriz said ‘every individual is self-sufficient in his search for the divine. We were all created in His image, and yet we were each created different and unique. No two people are alike. No two hearts beat to the same rhythm. If God had wanted everyone to be the same, He would have made it so. Therefore, disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is tantamount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme’.

Thanks, my lovely friend, Dalal, for sending this amazing story to my life. I am not a believer of a Creator yet, but the concept has had a great positive impact on me in this particular case. I will have it in mind as one of my rules: ‘ Be grateful for whatever I am given; Be brave to face sufferings in life; Be active to seek solutions; or be tough enough not to mind it. Be empathetic and respect others. BUT, DO NOT compare’.


I would love to hear your views, Dalal. Have a great day and if you do not mind, hope you can create a title for this first try.




27th March 2015

My dearest Shaohua,

I enjoyed reading every word of your reflections and thoughts. When you came to my office the other day telling me Hasan’s story about Rumi that made you reflect on how people sometimes reply to your problems. The first thing came to my mind “woow they think the same way in China as well”.

In my case, it is very usual to hear from others when you are complaining about something in your life “ remember others who are less fortunate” They even sometimes take it further by saying “stop complaining or God will take his blessings from you”, or they will reply very fast “Say Alhamdullelah (Thank you God) and stop complaining” .

This leaves you with the feeling of guilt of that you might be un-grateful to God, or that you are being spoiled of moaning while you have loads of blessings. It also acts like a Panadol that eases the pain but doesn’t treat the illness. So you still have your unsolved problems but plus the feeling of not wanting to share them anymore.

Reading Romi’s story of how his friend really understood what he was going through and suggested a solution (having a companion) made us realise how much we need this kind of support. It is a blessing to have someone that will listen without judging, and give an advice that can actually solve problems.

I like how you also connected it with the notion of comparison. How can I know that I am living a happier life than anyone? Yes we all know that having your love ones safe and healthy is the biggest blessing. But we also know that a lot of people through their hard times and illness they discovered what life really is, they started enjoying and appreciating every day in life.

Of course there are people who are living very hard life either because of war, poverty, death, illness, lack of love and caring. But we are not supposed to put them as examples to remember every time we feel down, to boost our mood that Thank God we are not them. We need to get closer to them, feel what they are feeling and bridge the gap, AND stop comparing ourselves with anyone.

Take care Shaohua and keep reflecting.. I am enjoying it



April in Manchester.. Love these pink flowers that only appear this time of the year

April in Manchester.. Love these pink flowers that only appear this time of the year

Coffee Shop


24th Mar 2015

Me and Shaohua discovered a new trend in Uni, that every Tuesday there is a Market that sells all sort of yummy food options. So we added a new routine for our lunch options that includes Tuesday Market. The first time we went to the market, we were so confused that we decided to take two dishes from different stalls and share. We went with the handmade Italian pizza and sweet potatoes with goat cheese tortilla, and we set our goal for next Tuesday to have the BBQ Burgers. Unfortunate, we went late next Tuesday that most of the stalls already ran out of food and there were no BBQ burgers anyways. So we just took a latte and Espresso from the coffee bicycle that I really found fascinating.

So Yesterday, I burst to Shaohua while she was in the study room saying that I am HUNGRY, as her usually sweet self, took her coat and her red mini bear shape coin wallet and we headed to the market. Devastating there was no market , we assumed maybe they will start again after Easter holiday. So option number 2: Domino’s Pizza with chicken and Jalapenos J while me and Shaohua were sitting in these bar chairs in dominos take away waiting for our feast. I asked Shaohua if she ever tried to do business of selling stuff, and here our conversation started. We both feel we don’t have a real skill that can make us gain money, except of being in a job doing office work or teaching.

Shaohua just finished her PhD so now she is a Dr. , and for me hopefully will finish soon. We stayed in Domino’s pizza looking at the window discovering that we don’t know what the hell are we going to do with our lives after PhD. After the realization that it will be great if we can find a job that we enjoy and ultimately serve humanity as well. I said

“ do you know Shaohua what I really want to do, I want to have a coffee shop selling paninis and my mum amazing home baked cakes with really good coffee. And in the shop two steps below a room where my dad can display all his antiques, and another room maybe on the top floor where I can place my office to sit and write my novel .. this is what I really want to do “

Shaohua“this is exactly what I want to do, a coffee shop and a top room where I can start a counselling career “

Me “I know, Shaohua, you will be a great councillor “

Shaohua “ Oohh and I can invite you to china to write in my coffee shop as well “

Me “that would be great, and you can come to Saudi, especially I want my coffee shop to be located in Jeddah historical city. You will love it there “

Shaohua  “But we need money to start this .. We should work first for ten years, save money then do our dream job a reality “

Me “Why did we have to do our PhD if we dream of doing a coffee shop!!! , but then you know what I believe that a PhD is the first step for your realisation of what you really want to do. And its not simply a coffee shop, Is it ? it’s a unique coffee shop with identity”

And there me and my lovely friend dreaming of our coffee shops located in two extreme far places from each other but very close in meaning which are based on the same things , love and passion.


Pizza with Chicken  and Jalapenos

Pizza with Chicken and Jalapenos



27th Mar 2015

My Dear friend, Dalal:

I am so happy to read what you vividly described our tiny but sweet daily moments. Thanks for doing that.

You are no doubt right that it is ‘love and passion’ which make our heart to get closer and closer. The other day, after I got home, recalling what we discussed at Domino about our ‘dream’ of ‘Coffee Shop’, I had a special feeling which eased me and made me smile from heart. The feeling is getting old is not as scary as it was to me. Interesting, isn’t it?

I can imagine how wonderful it would be if our friendship lasts until we are old. We can still share what happens around us, even though we are in two extreme far and different places. As I suggested that I could invite you to give talks on whatever you think it would be good and interesting for Chinese audience (of course we can plan this in the very near future) or even just write and relax at my place for a period of time, it would be super amazing. I am sure you will be loved by many other Chinese the same as being loved by me.

I told my friend in China about our conversation and concluded my feeling that ‘A good friend in my life is a kind of treasure which helps me be a better person and not be afraid of aging.’ You are that kind of frined to me! 






Tuesday Market